Calm on the Surface, Paddling like Hell Underneath

These days it is all we can do to remain calm on the surface. Gratitude, kindness, generosity of spirit, and acceptance of all has flown out of the water. Our sweet earth must marvel at life that exists upon it’s surface. For now I search for humor in the depths...

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Vestibulum vel facilisis nulla. Pellentesque eget neque non augue condimentum posuere a ac augue. Praesent eu dolor orci. Nulla consequat placerat tortor sed semper. Praesent dapibus odio non velit aliquet vitae tincidunt orci commodo. Nunc egestas tellus ut neque...

z – test post with tags

Sed tempor lectus in risus. Nullam vestibulum, odio ac pulvinar condimentum, urna neque aliquet ipsum, in blandit velit nunc eget mauris. Suspendisse aliquet sem ut nulla. Cras mollis ornare nisl. Morbi ac mi. Nunc eget nisi. Donec at enim. Pellentesque habitant morbi...