To view the world through youthful eyes sharing joyful imagination, purity of color and vibrant visions.
Connecting through words and color.
Annie’s new release and latest endeavor includes illustrating her first book entitled “Undulating La Roux”. The book was released through Farcountry Press and Sweetgrass Books in October of 2021. (more info)

Artist Bio
Connections to the land and the energy that surrounds the land ignite the art process within Annie. She began her art career 50 years ago on the wild plains of Laredo, Montana. Montana’s diversity of landscape and color palette never failed to inspire. She currently lives in the mountains of Lincoln, Montana where the abundance of wildlife, birds and fish are captured through painting.
Annie has explored combining watercolor, acrylics, dyes and techniques on varying surfaces including fibers, wood, and paper. This allows a rich diverse tapestry of color to prevail in her work. Water plays a vital role in her compositions. Water reveals a softness, an energetic quality to the surface she paints on.

Annie has developed and taught art programs for all age groups centered on using environmental techniques that work with surrounding land, vegetation and water. She owned and operated a Gallery (Roasted) in Lincoln, Montana building a strong foundation for the arts in rural Montana for several years.
She currently travels from Montana to Arizona enjoying the ample opportunities for growth and adventure through the arts. Her work is displayed in several galleries in Montana and in Tubac, Arizona. (more info)

Artist Statement
“Roasted Transforms: Water Emerges”
There was a time in my life when burning occurred…scorching and at the same time cleansing. This resulted in the business name Roasted. Roasted transformed my art and my view on life. From this transformation water began to play a vital role in my compositions. Water reveals a softness, an energetic quality to the canvas I’m painting. My current art combines water, dyes, an energetic vision with journeys on the land. The land produces energy that explodes and translates to the canvas. Art allows me to be in tune to the energy that surrounds me. This energy is “being in the flow”. My life is not complete without this energy; this release of creating that exists within.
The land calls me home, it whispers my name and centers my skills. The energy from the land is received by the body within. Creativity begins and art fills the canvas. These words ring true for my life: “Those who are awake live in a constant state of amazement” –Jack Kornfield
Art awakens my spirit and provides constant inspiration and amazement for my soul.
It has been a journey, a journey of love and self-discovery. Art has and always will be at the center of this journey.

Presentations, Residencies, Exhibits & Awards
2019: Tubac Center for the Arts, Master’s Meed Award (people’s choice award) for “Emersed” consisting of permanent plaque at the TAC and your own plaque with two silver medallions.
March 2019: Chosen for “Southwest Water/Ways–A Local Perspective on Water” which runs in conjunction with the Smithsonian Water/Ways Exhibition
September 2016: The Artists’ Shop Missoula Montana solo exhibit “Pastoral Scumblings”
April 1- April 30 2016: Bigfork Art & Cultural Center “Wilderness Adventure” group exhibit based on AWC.
April 27, 2016: (AWC): Video & lecture at Bitterroot College U of M on residency in Flathead National Forest July 29- August 12 2015.
July 29-August 12 2015: Chosen for the Artist Wilderness Connection(AWC) places professional working artists in various disciplines, media and styles in remote forest cabins for 14 days followed by a public presentation related to their residency. Artist Wilderness Connection program sponsored by Flathead National Forest, Hockaday Museum of Art, Bob Marshall Wilderness Foundation & Swan Ecosystem Center
April 2015: Artist in Residence Corvallis Elementary School 450 students (K-4th grade) two-week time frame. Testimonies available.
October 2015: Art City solo exhibit Hamilton Montana “Fall Colors”

Instructional Experience & Leadership
2012-2020: Coach for Montana Arts Council MAP (Montana Artrepreneur Program). Art centered business development program.
2015-present: Member of Artists in Schools & Communities Registry: professional teaching artists. Montana Arts Council.
2016: Art Education for Blackfoot Pathways Sculpture in the Wild
2015-present: Adult Education Bitterroot College U of M Hamilton Montana. (Drawing, Painting, Mixed Media).
1997-present: Public & Private Studio Classes, Tutoring all ages. (Drawing, Painting, Sculpting & Fine Crafts).
1997-2009: Lincoln School District PreK-12 Art Education

Professional Experience
2020: Working on illustrations with Maurice Trent which will be self-published in 2021.
2016-present: Working on self-publishing books “Twutterflies” and “Birds I Have Known”.
2010-2014: Owned and operated “Roasted” art & coffee house featuring over 80 artists & art classes for all ages. Scholarships were available as well. Art receptions featuring solo exhibitions & musical venues were offered.

2006-2007: Montana State University of Great Falls (College of Technology) Creative Arts Enterprise, Associate Degree Art Marketing
1998-2002: University of Missoula (Enrolled in ceramics, advanced drawing, technology programs & elementary education). Missoula, MT
1996-2001: University of Great Falls (Concentration in Fine Art. GPA: 3.98, Dean’s List: 5 years) Great Falls, MT