It begins here, in this small welcoming studio!

Makers Space – February 2025 Newsletter
Trace and I are considering developing what is commonly referred to as a makers space. The paragraph below gives some details on this idea. With the current situation in our world, the lack of funding for schools, art and mental health the idea began to percolate around our blessing of property that has given us such joy. The studio below has held so many students and art events. This wee building would become a gallery and hopefully a new building, beside this one, would become a space for all with a forest floor to walk and enjoy. We are saving with all of our might. And where there is a will there will be a way. It will be simple, organic and self-sustaining. If you have some thoughts on this idea, want to work on it with us (as it unfolds) or want to invest in the future of the idea just reach out.
There is an incredible energy that emanates from where we live. The two acres that we are blessed to live upon effortlessly welcomes guests, urging them to walk, inhale fragrances, and breathe in the sights and sensations of this earth. These same two acres provide artistic stimulation for creative endeavors. The light spills through the Ponderosa Pines filling our hearts and stimulating our essence.
It’s time to share this wealth and health with all who venture here. A host of art interactions, activities and quiet exploration, with educators from around Montana, will be offered to all ages at “Our Forest Friends”. This Maker’s Space is meant for all. Whether your creative soul requires individual experiences, group experiences, or just exploration to discover the magic that exists on this forest floor you are welcome to attend. Art educators (including myself) will be guiding students through the joy of painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramics and fibers. Our goal is to provide a welcoming atmosphere that encourages exploration, creativity and harmony. Montana provides artists from many disciplines and talents. I’ve always felt that connections and collaborations were of utmost importance in our rural areas. Feeling connected provides stimulation through education. -Annie
“I had been my whole life a bell, and never knew it until at that moment I was lifted and struck.” ― Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
“The Tree that moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing which stands in the way…as a man is, so he sees”. -William Blake
Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” Dr Suess