Undulating La Roux is a beautifully written and illustrated book by author Annie Allen.

In”Undulating La Roux”Annie takes us on a rendezvous helping us recognize the outliers in our lives who have loved us, raised us, educated us, believed in us and left us along the path of life.
Outliers often contain rambling discourse and emotional longitude, not to mention enthusiastic energy and a pinch of verve. There are many unusual personality traits that exist between the pages of this book waiting for your arrival.” – Annie
This lovely collection of paintings in book form is supported in part by a grant from the Montana Arts Council.
– – – enjoy a look inside – – –
Antelopa Jackalopa
Eloping with the wise Jackalopa,
Escaping with liberation,
A powdered exodus!
Exit stage right!

Pondering My Life Away
Escaping… Music to the Ears.